On this page, you can find basic information for using the audriga email migration service.
Migration setup
Which servername must be entered?
Some hosting providers do not use a single central mailserver. Instead, every customers has an own, individual server address. Often, this consists of a generic part plus a number (e.g., "server123.hoster.com"). You may find out your particular settings in your contract data, in the hoster's control panel, in the email client configuration manual or by asking your hoster's support team.
What is the purpose of the notification email address?
We will use this address to send status information at the beginning and the end of your migration. Enter an email adress which you can permanently access during the migration process.
What is the difference between private and business customer?
You have to select if you are using the service as a business customer or as a private person. This has two implications:
- Business customers are offered a commissioned data processing contract during the migration process
- Information will be used for calculating VAT and for billing purposes
What do I have to consider when using POP3 servers?
Accessing mailboxes using the POP3 protocol is typically only possible in a limited fashion:
- Folder structures can not be read - depending on the hoster, emails from subfolders will not be migrated
- Status information such as reard/unread can not be migrated
- POP3 is a read-only protocol - you can not migrate data into a POP3 account
Since most providers offer access via the IMAP protocol besides POP3, we strongly encourage to favour the IMAP protocol.
Which server name do I have to enter for email migrations (IMAP)?
Enter the IMAP servername of your hosting provider which you are also using to access email with client programs such as Outlook.
Which server name do I have to enter for Exchange migrations?
audriga uses Exchange Web Services (EWS) to access Exchange mailboxes (2007-2013). EWS is usually offered along with Outlook Web Access (OWA). If you configure an Exchange server, enter the hostname or IP adress of the server which you access when using OWA (e.g., owa.provider.com if your OWA-URL is https://owa.provider.com/owa/).
Which server name do I have to enter for Open-Xchange migrations?
audriga used web service interfaces to access Open-Xchange mailboxes. If you configure an Open-Xchange server, enter the hostname or IP adress of the server which you access when using the Open-Xchange Webmailer (e.g., ox.provider.com if your Webmail-URL is https://ox.provider.com/ox6/ox.html).
Which username do I have to enter?
Often the username is equal to your email adress. Howerver, some hosting providers are using a custom username. You may find out your particular settings in your contract data, in the hoster's control panel, in the email client configuration manual or by asking your hoster's support team.
How do I use an admin account for an Exchange migration?
If you do not know the passwords of all user mailboxes, you may use an admin account to configure a migration. Depending on the direction (source/destination) the admin account is required to have read or write access to the respective mailboxes. For username and password, do enter the admin credentials. Select "details" enter enter the mailbox id (e.g., "smith@company.com") for the particular user account.
What to do if checking username and password fails?
Note the following points if the login check fails:
- Check username and password for typos. Some programs do enter spaces or special characters when using copy/paste.
- Check if the required protocols are enabled for your mailbox. E.g., some providers such as Google or MS Exchange servers do not have IMAP access enabled by default.
- Check if the username for your mailbox is correct. Use the same data which your provider recommends to configure email programs or to log into the Webmailer. Note: Some providers use custom usernames which differ from the email adress. Check your records, the control panel of your hoster or your hoster's support for this information.
- If you recently created the mailbox or changed passwords, it may take some time until your changes are effective.
- If you are transfering a domain in parallel to the migration, your source provider might have blocked access to your mailbox. Ask your provider what to do in this case.
- Advice: In case of problems, always try to log into the Webmailer of your provider initially. If this fails, contact your provider to solve this problem first.
How does uploading login credentials via text file/CSV work?
If you are migrating multiple mailboxes, you can upload login credentials in a text file via an encrypted connection. To prepare the file, please downlod the provided template. If you are editing the file with a spreadsheet apllication such as Excel, make sure to save as plain text/CSV.
After a migration has started
What do I have to consider when using mailboxes during the migration?
Please take care of the following issues during migration, to ensure a smooth migration process:
- Do not change passwords until the migration and a potential delta migration have been finished.
- During migration, do not access the source and destination mailbox excessively to avoid a high server load. Make sure that email programs and mobile devices do not sync with the destination mailbox during migration.
- Do not move, delete or rename data and folders in source and destination mailbox until the migration has been completed. Besides that, receiving, reading and writing emails is possible.
How long does it take until a migration starts?
Typically, a migration starts within a few minutes. The exact start time depends on the following issues:
- Initially, the source mailbox will be analyzed, which may take a while for huge mailboxes.
- The maximum number of migrations per server is limited. In few cases, it can take some minutes until a new server is ready.
- To avoid high load on the hoster's systems, the maxmimum number of migration from/to each provider is limited. If many migrations run in paralelle, it might take a while until a migration is assigned the next free connection.
- For operational reasons, audriga reserves the right to delay migration starts up to 24h.
How does delta migration work?
After a migration has finished, you can start a second pass by using the feature "delta migration". This will copy all emails which have been arrived in the source mailbox since the start of the initial migration. This features is particularly helpful for domain migrations. If you transfer a domain or change MX records, emails may arrive at your old or your new provider for a short time. The delta migration will copy all mails that still arrived at the old provider's mailbox to the new provider.
Important notes:
- Do not start a delta migration immediately after a domain transfer. Instead, let pass 24h to 48h, until all servers in the Internet have been noticed about your modifications.
- Note that some providers do not allow access to mailboxes once a domain has been transferred away.
What does the list of duplicates mean?
Before copying an item, the audriga migration service checks if this item exists in the destination mailbox already. If yes, a duplicate note will be added to the migration protocol. If connection problems occur during a migration, it may happend that the service tries to copy items that already have been transfered. In this case, multiple duplicates per items might be displayed.
What are generic errors?
Generic errors denote issues that can not be assigned to a particular item or folder. Contact us for details if applicable.